The Legacy 

By taking over the Antwerp Diamond Research Centre WTOCD end 2019, HS Technology acquired more than 265 years of technological know-how and experience in the diamond field.

The scientific and technological research topics of WTOCD spanned the entire chain from rough to polished, including measurement, evaluation and processing. Recent examples of developments are D-Screen & M-Screen (screening for potential synthetic and HPHT-colour enhanced diamond), AvalonPlus (an in-process measurement of "zoetheid" and geometry of facets), EOSFancy (automatic bruting of fancy shapes), Reflex (an ultra-accurate measurement of polished diamonds), Morgana (fast and accurate alignment of polishing tools) and Grain Independent Polishing (fast, safe and grain independent polishing technique).

For more information about WTOCD, check out the former WTOCD website.

Grain Independent Polishing, a revolution in the diamond industry 

By taking over WTOCD, HS Technology also acquired the patent and the know-how on grain independent polishing. That revolutionary polishing technique is ultra-fast (10 to 20 times faster than traditional polishing), safe and versatile.

The polishing technique culminated in an automatic polishing robot, but this was just a successful starting point…

Core Values  

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Quality & Accuracy

By using high quality components in our products we deliver the highest accuracy available on the market.

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We encourage creativity and are dedicated to create innovative solutions to add value to your bussiness.

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All engineering is done in-house. We have a  wide range of expertise in the fields of mechanics, electronics, optics, software development and of course diamond.