Morgana Family
A perfect alignment of all polishing equipment is needed or can at least be very helpful in realizing a perfectly cut Triple Excellent diamond. Morgana is the solution to reach this perfect alignment. By using a set of parallel light beams and cameras, every measurement you need can be done very accurately (±0.01°). The intuitive software with clear instructions helps you get through the process quickly and easily.
Morgana helps the polisher to:
Align the tang plate on the mill according to the scaif
Align facets to the scaif
Align the grain axis perpendicular to the scaif
Tilt the facet very accurately in a predetermined angle
Check the setting of the stone in the pot
Check & set the angular scale of the tang
The first device that can accurately measure the angles of every facet of a stone in the tang. Having an angle measurement accuracy of ±0.02° and a lot of possible functions, OptiGon allows for amazing polishing optimization for every situation. Do you want to polish as symmetrically as possible? Check the alignment of your table in the pot and avoid a lot of readjusting later on. Do you want to polish slightly asymmetrically to optimize weight? Enabling you to check every facet very accurately allows you to polish exactly as planned, saving time, weight and money.
OptiGon can assist in many measurements: Crown facet - Table / Pavilion facet - Table / Position of the diamond table in the pot / Pavilion facet - girdle on fancy shape / relative index angles and a lot more. On top of taking accurate measurements, it can help you adjust the angle to the desired one, saving even more time and guaranteeing an accurate result.
All facets
Measure & correct all crown, pavilion and girdle angles
while the stone is in the tang
All shapes
Besides round stones, fancy is no problem either
Angle accuracy of ±0.02°
Highest accuracy on the market

Crown facet - Table

Pavilion facet - Table

Pavilion facet - Girdle on Fancy shape